
來自Actian Cuperaiton的新聞稿(總計5)

Actian釋放矢量2.5 - 破紀錄的數據庫現在甚至更快

2012年6月5日,加利福尼亞州雷德伍德市 - Actian Corporation今天宣布,vectorwise 2.5(紀錄的性能數據庫的最新更新)通常可供下載。現在,更有能力應對大數據挑戰的能力,VectorWise 2.5提供了更好的可管理性和更快的性能,以幫助公司實現其數據的價值並實時執行商機。“自兩年前矢量啟動以來,

Actian and Business&Decision聯手提供大數據分析和暴民…

法國巴黎 - 2012年5月10日 - Actian Corporation and Business&Decision,International Consulting and Systems Integration(CSI)公司,商業智能(BI)的負責人(BI),今天宣布了其戰略合作夥伴協議的簽名。結合涵蓋技術解決方案和營銷工作,《戰略協議》(Strategic Chable)鞏固了兩家公司對為客戶提供更直觀和負擔得起的高性能分析的承諾。客戶還將從Actian的力量中受益


London, UK – 26 April 2012: Actian Corporation today announced that Unruly Media has selected Vectorwise, the world’s fastest and most cost-effective analytical database, to provide rapid big data analytics and interactive reporting to its clients, empowering them to take real-time decisions and actions. Unruly has already delivered, tracked and audited 1.34 billion video views and executed 1,400+ successful social video campaigns for global brands, who use Unruly’s proprietary platform to


加利福尼亞州雷德伍德市(Redwood City) - 2012年3月13日 - Actian Corporation今天宣布已與Banking Bi Gia專家Icreate軟件簽署了合作協議,以共同為全球銀行業提供卓越的分析能力。該協議標誌著兩位領導人的協同作用的合並;憑借其著名的銀行BI產品-Biz $ Core;和Actian及其革命性分析數據庫平台 - 矢量。由於這種夥伴關係,


GARTNER BI SUMMIT, February 7, 2011 – Actian Corporation (formerly Ingres Corp.), today announced that the Office of the Revenue Commissioners, the Irish government’s agency for tax and customs administration, has boosted its relationship with Actian by extending its use of Actian’s database products to incorporate the industry’s fastest data analytics engine, Vectorwise, to provide speedier reporting systems, enabling it to discharge its taxation responsibilities more efficiently. The Office of

