



歐洲商業大會(EBA)是一個推動和實施經濟和社會發展的國際組織。該公司成立於2000年4月,其曆史顯示了大量有前途的舉措、創造性增長和專業勝利。EBA的活動展示了專業夥伴關係的能力和力量。2000年,隨著與EMRC(比利時)、ICIE(俄羅斯)、泰晤士河穀商會和許多其他有影響力的國際組織簽署合作備忘錄和聯合支持,EBA開始成立。自成立以來,歐洲商業大會在蘇格拉底頒獎典禮上為在各個領域取得成就的公司、學者和個人頒發獎項。蘇格拉底頒獎典禮在每一屆歐洲商業大會上舉行。這些獎項包括“維多利亞女王紀念獎”,授予在商業、教育和社會領域中無可挑剔的聲譽和對完美的追求。獲獎者因在商業、教育和社會領域保持和促進高標準的人道主義道德而獲獎。歐洲質量獎,頒發給那些按照歐洲標準不斷努力實現高質量的公司。“最佳企業獎”和“年度經理獎”頒發給那些在公司發展過程中取得巨大成功,並在環境、就業和管理等領域實施最佳實踐的企業。 The Socrates Award, for the highest standard of best practice either in business and educational institutions. The United Europe Award for the implementation of excellent best trade policy which promotes the breakdown of international barriers in business. And, The Name in Science Award highlighting individuals who contribute to the evolution of world science transforming and solving global issues.
2001年,EBA在捷克共和國的奧斯特拉瓦、匈牙利的內裏德哈紮和烏克蘭的敖德薩舉辦了第一屆會議。2002年,在比利時布魯塞爾舉行了第一屆歐洲市場論壇,進一步擴大了會議規模。第一屆國際會議在馬耳他的瓦萊塔舉行,另一屆歐洲市場論壇在烏克蘭舉行,題為“烏克蘭-歐盟進入新世界市場的戰略”,在基輔主辦。2004年,歐洲商業大會開始在牛津舉行年度會議。目前已有來自56個國家的6000多名代表參加了這些峰會。該活動仍在進行中,旨在挑戰和突出全球學術界提供創新解決方案的能力,以改進和升級技術工具和教育理念。它還旨在進一步加強和推進科學研究,促進學術成果。然而,這隻是通過牛津活動獲得的成果的一小部分。如今,牛津領導人峰會建立了學術和商業聯係,以彌合這兩類不同領域之間的差距。該活動通過網絡會議、主題演講和展覽,使大量企業和教育網絡得以開始並蓬勃發展。牛津領導人峰會引以為豪的是,各國領導人、受人尊敬的政要和國際知名人士都積極參與其中,包括; Lord John Digby, Sirs Richard Needham and John Michael Middlecott Banham, Lord Mayors of Oxford Bryan Keen, Robert John Price, Jim Campbell and Elise Benjamin. Since this time, the Summit of Leaders has now become truly international with events in London, Vienna, Barcelona and Dublin as mentioned below. 2005 was again host to numerous conferences. It began with the EuroEducation conference held in Oxford and there was also the additional business meeting in London ‘Investing in Europe’.
2006年,歐洲校長俱樂部(CRE)成立。CRE是一個致力於促進世界各地的校長、教授和科學家之間的交流和思想交流的組織。CRE的成員聚集在EBA的活動中,分享他們的經驗,並討論管理和改進他們的機構的新方法。自成立以來,CRE已發展成為一個擁有150多名會員的俱樂部。2006年也見證了商業會議的發展;在西班牙巴塞羅那舉行的歐洲教育會議和在英國倫敦舉行的有關國際商業投資論壇的歐洲empex會議也在會議上舉行。2008年,奧地利維也納舉辦了一年一度的新年和聖誕舞會,巴塞羅那、馬耳他、約旦和英國也舉辦了與教育和商業有關的活動。從對瑞士日內瓦的商務訪問開始,2009年是收獲頗豐的一年。同年晚些時候,在法國巴黎的森利斯,為雅羅斯拉夫·穆德裏的女兒安娜舉行了一場儀式招待會。這一年繼續與TTP在英國泰晤士河穀開展聯合經濟行動; and EBA hosted the Winsor debates. Finally the year ended with the meeting of the President of the International Congress of the Manufacturers and Business Owners, V.K Gluhikh, and the Director General of EBA, John Netting with leaders of business, science and culture in Moscow, Russia.
2010年,舉辦了醫療旅遊峰會,表彰全球對健康和健康旅遊的投資增長。此外,歐洲商業大會在意大利為開放的歐洲科學論壇舉辦了第一次會議。2011年,EBA和其他企業之間有許多商業聯係的機會。約翰·奈廷在阿什哈巴德會見了土庫曼斯坦的別爾德穆哈梅多夫;來自27個國家的市長、城市管理者和科學家參加了牛津市市長伊莉斯·本傑明(Elise Benjamin)主辦的現代城市新管理模式峰會。此外,領導人峰會還訪問了瑞士蒙特勒。2012年,在英國倫敦的董事協會,引入了EBA的一個新的會議項目——“成就論壇”;EBA在愛爾蘭舉辦了第一次活動,主要介紹在都柏林舉行的投資項目。此次峰會由都柏林市長穆雷主持開幕,來自24個國家的企業家和投資者參加了此次峰會。約翰·奈廷還前往伊朗伊斯蘭共和國進行工作訪問。他參加了與精神領袖、知名政治家和商界領袖的會議。2012年秋季峰會由英國歐洲議會議員德裏克·克拉克開幕,來自32個國家的與會者在迪格比·瓊斯勳爵的致開幕詞中受到歡迎。 Also, Will Goodyear, president of the Club of Rectors of Europe, opened an education symposium on the problems of education in Nigeria. 2013 again saw EBA’s ‘Achievements Forum’ at the Institute of Directors in London, and EBA’s reputation continued to grow through the third international forum for Health and Wellness in Montreux, Switzerland. The Oxford Summit of Leaders was recognised as a highly respected event in science and education, with praise from attending specialists; and the first volume of ‘The Socrates Almanac’ ‘Science and Education 2013: Oxford View’ was published. The Almanac has been publishing annually ever since.
2014年由“快速城市化:經濟、社會、管理”倫敦領導人峰會開幕。論壇專門介紹了未來的項目及其投資。在為期兩天的活動中,50多名國際演講者發表了獨特的演講,分享了經驗和最佳實踐。2014年,牛津大學學術聯盟成立。牛津學術聯盟備忘錄於2014年10月在牛津領導人峰會上簽署。非統組織根據綜合評價委員會的規定,支持和促進國際協調,目的是加強和改進教育研究和方法。歐洲商業大會每年根據非統組織的價值觀為其成員舉辦兩次活動。成員包括來自世界各地的高水平學者、校長和大學校長。今年還啟動了新的歐洲商業大會項目“最佳商業目的地”,該方案致力於強調和幫助發展中城市地區:衛生、保健和旅遊;教育; and urbanisation. The programme aims to bring experts and investors to cities that have been identified with investment potential, allowing cities to fully reach their investment potential. The 2014 year was summarised with the Annual Vienna New Year’s Ball. 2015 is the 15 year anniversary of the formation of EBA and it is clear to see its continued growth and success. The first event of the year was the Achievements Forum dedicated to the presentation of Prime Business Destinations emerging cities. The cities gave presentations to investment potential in their respective regions as well as their plans for the future. 2015 will soon be full of many other events with future plans to host events in, Switzerland, Austria, Cannes, Oxford and Italy. This year EBA celebrated the 15 year anniversary of the formation and it was clear to see its continued growth and success. The first event of the year was the Achievements Forum dedicated to the presentation of Prime Business Destinations emerging cities. The cities gave presentations to investment potential in their respective regions as well as their plans for the future. Memorandums of cooperation between EBA and 12 cities were signed. The year was full of many other events in the framework of the Prime business destinations programme hosted in Switzerland, Cannes, Jordan and Oxford. Participants from more than 60 countries presented more than 120 investment and innovative projects. The Academic Union initiates and co-organised remarkable events including visiting session ‘University of the Future; University Cities and Health Tourism ‘ at the Near East University. In March, Prof Costigliola became the president of the Academic Union. In December 15th the Academic Lounge of Europe Business Assembly was opened by Lord Digby Jones, member of the House of Lords. The traditional Summit of Leaders and Socrates ceremony culminated the year. During Summit of Leaders in Oxford December 15th, the Academic Union international incentive Smart Education Platform was presented. It will be launched in 2016 with the author programme ‘ Global Business for an Efficient Manager’. On 22 March 2016, the Traditional Summit of Leaders ‘Achievements-2016’ was held in London, UK. The event was attended by more than 120 delegates from 32 countries around the world. After the plenary session, potential investors, businessmen, scientists and medical workers presented their projects and unique programmes of economic development. These included presentations about territories and companies working in the sphere of science and education, medicine and city sustainability.
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歐洲商業大會(EBA)介紹了Petronash公司(阿聯酋),石油和天然氣行業工程和製造領域的最佳公司之一,著名的國際獎項的獲獎者。2015年,“Petronash”公司(阿聯酋)是歐洲商業大會“最佳企業”國際排名的獲獎者之一。公司創始人兼首席執行官饒尤明先生被授予“最佳經理”的榮譽 ...
歐洲商業大會(EBA)介紹“Destina 1”公司(馬來西亞),在先進標量技術領域的最佳公司之一,在質量領域的著名國際獎項的獲獎者。歐洲商業大會(EBA)對與“命運1號”的合作感到自豪。“Destina 1”是一家領先和創新的傳銷公司,利用尖端和複雜的傳銷軟件係統,推廣嵌入先進標量技術的最新產品。它的進步 ...
歐洲商業大會(EBA) -本周最佳公司
歐洲商業大會(EBA)想介紹非洲最好的銀行結構之一,歐洲商業大會(牛津,英國)獎得主- uniBank(加納)有限公司uniBank(加納)有限公司成立於1997年12月,是一家私營公司,作為一家全能銀行運營。它是一家全資擁有的加納人,被授權從事廣泛的銀行服務。該銀行於今年1月向客戶開放 ...
歐洲商業協會在牛津辦事處的基礎上,開設了繼續教育服務“學術休息室”。實現了一個獨特的教育方案——智慧教育平台。智慧教育平台是利用現代設備進行可視化和數字化信息傳播的平台。智慧教育平台包含來自科學、工業和商業領袖的在線研討會、培訓、研討會、辯論和視頻演示。知識是在牛津積累起來的,然後在世界各地傳播 ...

